
What does the leftist world look like if left unbridled to run to its inevitable conclusion?  I was pondering this the other day….

A world where religion is gone.  Christianity is particularly onerous with a belief system that actually believes something.  Islam is onerous too but most libs are scared of taking them on.  Judaism is okay as long as it is a kind of social Judiasm that doesn’t believe anything and sides with the left.  Some form of state religion could be allowed as long as it only deals with being kind to puppies and how wonderful the state is.

Abortion.  Blah, blah, blah… I know, according to Barack Obama, nobody is actually for abortion but it is a woman’s choice.  For something that nobody is actually for it is amazing that some 45 million or so little people have been done in (almost all for the sake of convenience) since 1973.  I guess in our leftist paradise we will have the occasional twitter (punctuated with sincere, pondering facial expressions) about how it is regrettable that abortions have to occur while we continue to slaughter the innocent.

Marriage.  Marry who you want, when you want, where you want. What right have heterosexual couples to claim sole possession of this institution?  Forget what God says, what studies show and what most of us intuitively know.

Taxes.  It is your patriotic duty to pay taxes.  Actually, the money doesn’t belong to you anyway.  It belongs to the government.  They are actually doing you a favor by letting you keep some of it.

Education.  The government will educate your children.  Subversive ideas like homeschooling and private schooling will be dealt with.  Who knows better than the government how to raise your children and deal with antiquated notions like self-reliance and constitutional government, along with the illusion that people have rights and responsibilities that go along with those concepts.

The Constitution of the United States of America.  The so-called living, breathing document will be dead — a shell of its former self.  The rule of law to be replaced by the rule of activist judges.

Gun ownership.  Ha ha. Very funny.  Only some kind of savage brute would even want such a thing.  You don’t need guns. The government already has its own guns and they don’t need your help.  Also see above on the Constitution.

Freedom of religion, expression and association.  The Constitution died… remember.

Freedom of the press.  This could never happen because we have a watchdog media that voraciously looks out for the freedoms we enjoy as U.S. citizens.  A media that is unbiased and accurate in it’s reporting.  A media that would, for example, never favor one candidate with socialist ideas and no experience who by all accounts, isn’t even very bright, over a candidate who gave years of his life in a foreign POW camp and has served in the United States House and Senate since 1982…

We’re closer than most of us realize.