The Nazis of Gotland, Sweden

What would you do if your child was kidnapped? I can imagine few things as tragic and terrifying for a child or parent. What if the kidnapping was done by your own government? Christer and Annie Johannson were homeschooling their child in Sweden and had decided against certain vaccinations. They were actually moving to India and were on the airplane about to leave the country when police halted the plane on the runway and took young Dominic into custody. BTW — I’ve seen two spellings of Dominic’s name so at this point I’m going with the one in the news stories I have read.

More information on the story can be found at Christer was recently arrested because he took Dominic off on an unsupervised visit. It wasn’t a wise move, but I cannot begin to imagine the frustration of dealing with a year and a half legalized kidnapping. Now the very people who kidnapped his son have charged him with kidnapping his son. What would you do? I don’t know. I would sorely be tempted to take my child and flee somewhere for sanctuary. I’d be tempted to hire a fishing boat to go to Poland and seek asylum. It would be a tough call, and risky. Failure would mean pretty massive jail time and long term separation from your child. Unfortunately, now that he is in jail it is too late for Christer to make those kinds of decisions.

Christer and Annie are like most people. They believed that the Swedish government was initially acting in good faith and that with some negotiation and a little time this could be resolved. Unfortunately, the Swedish authorities have dragged their heels and thrown up roadblock after roadblock for the Johannsons. Swedish authorites have turned a deaf ear to pleas for this family to be reunited.

This is an example of why government power is not to be trusted. Can anyone really explain to me what is right about this? Of course social services advocates may argue that the Johannsons must have been doing something. There must have been some sort of abuse. Nope — all they wanted to do was homeschool and forgo some vaccinations.

So here we deal with the statist question — who do the children belong to? Totalitarian regimes claim that children are the property of the state and that the state has a right to do what it will. Most people would not think of Sweden in such terms. We think of Sweden as some kind of mildly socialist democratic nation that upholds human rights. Unfortunately, the truth is somewhat grimmer.

A component of the liberal/socialist continuum is conformity — conformity to a thought process and to certain ideas. Free speech is touted but only to a certain point. That’s why in this country we see liberals pushing for hate speech laws. Hate speech morphs from being actual threats against people to be anything that makes anyone vaguely uncomfortable. Of course, Christians and conservatives are usually excepted targets. Government schooling is critical in places like Sweden to turn out good little citizens. Germany has much the same mindset. The purpose is to turn out good little statists who worship at the altar of the government. Government will take care of you from the cradle to the grave.

Liberty is not easy to get or easy to hold. The Founding Fathers knew this. That’s why they gave us the Constitution as THE compact of our way of life. That’s why they set up checks and balances in our government. As we watch the erosion of Constitutional authority our liberty is indeed threatened. The Constitution is a document that ultimately protects each of us as individuals. Individual protection from the excess reach of the state was a cherished ideal.

In the Johannson case we see why that matters. Some local twerp from Gotland’s social services made a decision to go after the Johannsons. Some bureaucrat, indoctrinated in the necessity of conformity and the altruism of the state, made a decision that will irrevocably change and scar this family for life. Sweden stayed neutral during World War II. They avoided Nazi occupation, primarily, because they would have been more trouble than they were worth. They might have avoided Nazi occupation but that didn’t keep them from becoming like the Nazis.

Efforts have been made to get the European Court of Human Rights to take a look at the case but have so far been fruitless. If you click on the How You Can Help link at the Friends of Domenic Johannson website they have created a list of things you can do. This is truly an egregious abuse of government power.

Gotland Social Services Horrible Abuse of Power

This is a truly horrible abuse by a government agency. You wonder why Conservatives have a fundamental mistrust of the nanny state? This could easily be exhibit A.

More to come.