Oh the Irony!!

Comedy Central’s Rally to Restore Sanity is prohibiting filming on Federal property. Read the email exchange in that article. It is instructive.

The question is why? I can think of a couple of reasons.

1) Comedy Central wants to tightly control media content for marketing reasons. If that’s the case do this on private property.

2) Comedy Central wants to control the messaging. With all the claims made by the left about Tea Party rallies they are probably terrified of independent video being shot. You get a crowd of progressives together and you will surely have a nice collection of crackpots and goofballs to video.

I wonder if they will leave things as clean as the Tea Party folks?

Real Hope and Change

Next week we face an election that is pivotal to the future of this country. We have gradually slipped away from the ideals of the Founding Fathers to the point where our national character is radically changing. The response to the Tea Party movement is instructive. The Tea Party movement stands for fiscal responsibility, limited government and accountability from our elected representatives. I’ve yet to have someone explain to me why those are bad things. Oh yeah, I get all the rhetoric and paranoia and talking points about the “real” sinister agenda of the Tea Party folks, (along with how stupid and dumb and redneck and racist they are) but I get nothing on real issues. There could be a couple of reasons for that. First, true believers in the push for socialism and the big government utopia know their message is unpopular and won’t float so they avoid it like the plague. They prefer to wildly blaze away with pejoratives. Second, you have this mushy element among liberals. These are people who “feel things deeply,” but can’t really espouse much in way of an argument. They are easily frightened of the weather, guns, unborn babies, belief in God and people with an opinion that is different from theirs.

On a national level we have allowed ourselves to be redefined by revisionist history that is fed to us by public schools, the mainstream media, unions, and colleges and universities. Without these heavily entrenched allies the Democratic would be hard-pressed to win anything in most parts of the country. Our national ignorance has led to the election of a president and Congress who have an agenda to radically transform this country.

Make no mistake. Some people say that elections don’t matter. They say that both parties are the same. While the GOP has had major issues (principally being that they keep wanting to gravitate left as the Democrats move to the far left) this election does offer some real choice. Even at worse it is an opportunity to stop the slide into the abyss that our nation is facing.

The United States of America did not become the greatest nation in history by accident. It was because of the vision of the Founding Fathers and the core values that mobilized this country. That was the foundation for where we are today, but we have too many people in power that despise that foundation. Yes. it wasn’t perfect. Sigh. It seems like you always have to say that. It wasn’t perfect, but those principles guided this nation through its historical ups and downs. We lay them aside at our peril.

Get out and vote. There’s a good chance that there will be voter fraud. Some has already reared its ugly head. There will be efforts to suppress the vote. There are efforts to push third party candidates to siphon off votes. The mainstream media will skew reports to encourage you to stay home. There is no telling what kind of dirty tricks we’ll see between now and next week. Go vote anyway. It is time for some real hope and change.

The Trashing of Christine O’Donnell

I listened to the debate yesterday between Christine O’Donnell and Chris Coons after hearing the AP spin story and was completely unsurprised at how they took a section of the debate, out of context, and spun it for Democrat political gain. It was obvious that she was debating the concept of separation of church and state while Coons and his cohort moderators were trying to set her up. The concept of separation of church and state as applied today is not in line with the intent of the Founding Fathers. Their intent, like it or not, was to protect the church from the state. Riddle me this? Why exactly did it it take until the 20th century and a progressive dominated Supreme Court for separation of church and state, as we are indoctrinated with today, to be gleaned from the Constitution? I guess the Founding Fathers had no idea what they really meant; neither did the courts of the 19th and early part of the 20th century. Hmmm. Maybe it’s not really about law, but about worldview? Give that kid a light bulb.

The trashing of Christine is nothing new. We’ve seen it over and over — Sarah Palin being a blatant, recent example. Apparently nothing scares the bejezus out of libs like conservative ladies who have the fortitude to actually stand for their beliefs. The lib media jumped into high gear yesterday with their spin on this debate. The pompous rhetoric and posturing was almost silly, but then, these are the same people who have anointed Meghan McCain as their new media darling.

O’Donnell has an uphill fight, but she can win. She not only has to campaign against Coons and the establishment media she also has had to labor under the lack of support from the establishment crowd. Carl Rove, the architect, (the guy who pushed the policies that lead to the gutting of the GOP in the last two Congressional elections) did her a major disservice with his childish rants after Christine beat Mike Castle. It was completely classless and destructive to, not only her chances, but the legitimate shot the GOP has to take this seat in Delaware. It is tough enough running as a conservative since you have to run against the Democrat candidate AND the the establishment media.

What are the parameters for how you choose who to vote for? Mine are pretty simple. I vote based on the positions that the candidate espouses. That’s pretty much it. I can’t vote in Delaware, but if could I’d by voting for Christine O’Donnell. I have to admit that beyond the issue of the leftist positions that Coons espouses, there is something in me that rises up against the same dirty tactics that are used over and over against conservatives. O’Donnell has them scared, otherwise they would have never come after her this hard. Go get em Christy. I’m pulling for you.

Why the Hate?

This last week saw a whole new round of Tea Parties that remained as civil as ever. Civil, being a relative term to Prolibama (progressive, liberal, Obama types) supporters of course. While perusing message boards i see the hatred rages on. The rhetoric remains pretty much the same. The tea baggers are racist. The tea baggers are morons. The tea baggers are violent. The movement is not really grass roots but the product of an efficient right-wing propaganda machine. Blah, blah, blah. Bill Clinton is warning about the dangers of inflammatory speech. Obama is trying the “pretend they don’t matter” approach. Some left wingers are trying to infiltrate the movement with fake signs to make them look bad.

And yet, the Tea Party movement soldiers on. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to question the anger at the Tea Parties from the left. The Tea Parties are primarily about fiscal responsibility and constitutionally limited government. I know much of the vitriol from the left is a knee-jerk support for Obama and a response to the challenge the Tea Parties raise to his foolishness. But you have to question what the Prolibama movement is all about.

The opposite of fiscal responsibility is fiscal irresponsibility. In Congress we have a bunch of elected representatives who seem to be hell-bent on spending us into the ground. The fiction that recent health care legislation is going to save us money ranks right up there with such classics as “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Just because someone wrote it or said it doesn’t make it the truth. The GOP was bad enough when they were in power but the democrats spend like Paris Hilton on steroids. The question is why? The fundamental answer lies in their view of government. The progressive view is that government does have the answers and is a force for good. The problem is that there is little historical evidence to back that up. Governments may do some good things but they always come with a lot of bad things attached.

Constitutionally limited government sounds like a good thing to me, but not to a progressive. Where I view the Constitution as protection against government grabs for power, (that invariably come at a cost of lessened personal liberty) progressives view the Constitution as a ball and chain around the old agenda. Their view seems to be use it when you can, change what it says when needed and ignore it when all else fails — amazing how the left can find magical protections in the Constitution when it suits them, but can’t make heads or tails out of that darned Second Amendment.

My fear is that, unfortunately, much of the Prolibama movement revolves around the ignorance of the people. Worse, possibly, is that the Prolibama movement appeals strictly to selfishness. Get me my check. Pay my way. Take care of me.
We seem to have whole collection of voters that vote, not for the good of the country, but strictly out of personal interest.

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.”

That quotes has been attributed to a variety of folks, including Ben Franklin. It doesn’t really matter who said it. It’s a pretty profound saying. sadly, we seem to be there now.

Black Tea Party Members taking Heat

The opening line says a lot –“They’ve been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea party movement—and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation’s first black president.” Read the rest. It’s a fascinating article.

Jack Cashill on the Politics of Racism and a Golden Opportunity

Jack Cashill writes about the so-called racist Tea Party protest from Sunday.

Calling all Libs. Here’s an opportunity to make some cash. Andrew Breitbart is offering $10,000 for hard evidence that the N-word was used on Sunday.

But happily Fidel castro is excited about healthcare reform.

Tea Parties and Tea Baggers

Amazing how much angst the Tea Party Movement has stirred. In visiting the official website of the Tea Party movement (http://teapartypatriots.ning.com/) I found the following radical information —

Mission Statement
The impetus for the Tea Party movement is excessive government spending and taxation. Our mission is to attract, educate, organize, and mobilize our fellow citizens to secure public policy consistent with our three core values of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government and Free Markets.

Core Values
• Fiscal Responsibility

• Constitutionally Limited Government

• Free Markets

Wow. How offensive is that? Fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government and support of free markets. It shows how truly divided and politicized we have become and how out of touch much of the mainstream media is with, not only the American people, but also the principles that made this country great. The truth is that the United States has been different. Our natural distrust of a too powerful central government is ingrained in our history. Traditionally, while the debate has gone on about the role of the Federal Government since the nation’s founding, the principle that most Americans believed in was that, for the most part, government should stay out of our lives. That instinct is pretty good. The history of powerful central governments is not good.

When do we hit the point that we have enough laws and regulations? At what point does it stop? How did this country manage to survive without all the additional laws we have today?

Look at Congress. We have an elected body that is supposed to represent the people but is obviously sold out to special interests — and not the special interests we typically think of. Why haven’t we built new nuclear reactors and oil refineries? Why haven’t we gone after our vast supplies of oil? We can do it in an environmentally responsible manner. We are way past the era of raping the land to get at natural resources. Most Americans don’t realize this. We are held hostage to a vocal, well-organized green movement that is well financed and well represented by lobbyists. It is ridiculous that we have to get oil from the other side of the globe while financing despotic regimes and terrorism. When gasoline was four and five dollars a gallon people cried out but nothing was really done. Why? Because the interests of middle eastern oil Sheiks and a bunch of enviro nuts take precedence over the needs of the American people.

The more power government grabs the more out of touch it becomes. Limited government benefits everyone. The Constitution was designed to protect our individual rights. We ignore it at our peril. We make it a “living document” at our peril. When the Constitution becomes a document that whoever is in power can interpret for their own agenda we are all in trouble. The law you love today may come back to bite you twenty years from now.

Much of the knee-jerk response to the Tea Party movement is in actuality a response to the Tea Party’s defiance of the agenda put out by the current administration and the Democrat control of Congress. The Democrats, reading the 2008 elections as some kind of mandate have reached too far. In doing so they provoked a reaction from middle America. I’m not sure why so many people have been surprised but that’s an article for another day.

With all the political variety across the landscape the Tea Party movement asks some important questions. Who do you want to be in charge of your life? Do you really think that government knows best and has the answers for your problems? Is the government your parent or your servant? Do you really think that government control of your money is better than you controlling your money?

You can judge how much someone feels threatened by their response. Sarah Palin, whether you like her or not, has been savaged by the left because she is a threat. Same with the Tea Parties. When Chris Matthews calls you a tea bagger it means you are doing something right. When Keith Olbermann explodes into one of his pompous rants about the Tea Party movement being racist you know you’re hitting a nerve.

Sometimes you really can tell what is right by who hates what you are doing.