You Might be a Liberal

The White Shark has been on an extended hiatus but is back and thought I’d have some fun.

You might be a liberal

…if you believe punishing your employer with higher taxes, brutal regulations, and insane union demands enhances your job security.
…if you believe marriage is an antiquated institution but that gay marriage is the issue for our day.
…if you believe that a cold blooded killer doesn’t deserve the death penalty but an inconvenient baby does.
…if you believe that the Constitution has magical protections for things like abortion and bathrooms for cross dressers but doesn’t matter where guns and religion are concerned.
…if you believe that government benefits are the path to prosperity.
…if you believe that voter I.D. is racist but I.D. to get food stamps and government benefits is okay.
…if you believe that Christianity is the greatest evil in the history of mankind while mass murdering atheist regimes have nothing to do with atheism.
…if you believe that Jesus wasn’t real and that the inquisition murdered millions.
…if you believe that the United States of America has a terrible human rights record while China, North Korea, and Cuba have been bastions of tolerance and kindness.
…if you believe that you can spend your way out of debt.
…if you believe the government has its own money.
…if you believe that a tax cut that reduces the tax burden on those who pay the most is unfair to those who pay nothing.
…if you believe that Ronald Reagan was an idiot and Barack Obama is a genius.
…if you are sitting at home with no job because unreasonable union demands caused your plant to close down and move but that the problem was the evil business.
…if you think that NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN are centrist but that FOX is way to the right.
…if you believe that MSNBC is something more than low brow comedy.
…if you believe that Bill Maher’s show which puts an idiot and two liberals against one moderate is an example of a fair fight on the issues.
…if you believe that Bill O’Reilly is a right wing nut job.
…if you believe that Al Gore actually did invent the internet.
…if you believe that climate change has never occurred before the industrial revolution.
…if you believe that liberals think for themselves while conservatives are brainwashed by the Bible and talk radio.
…if you believe that killing baby seals is bad but killing baby humans is okay.
…if you believe that Christianity is a religion of war but Islam is a religion of peace.
…if you believe that racist and misogynistic remarks by liberals are okay if their heart is in the right place.
…if you believe that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton deserve the title of reverend.

Howard Dean is Truly a Moron

Besides looking like his head is attached to a piece of wood, Howard is pretty entertaining. He never lets facts get in the way of his talking points. I would just like to see him scream again.

Speaking of the Racist Tea Partiers (and Shirley Sherrod)

Here’s a good article by Drew Zahn on the Tea Party Movement.

Meanwhile the White House has its own mess to clean up in the firing of Shirley Sherrod.

Shirley’s story hits at the heart of so many of the racial problems we have in this country. She was fired, in a knee-jerk reaction, to part of a speech taken out of context. She was actually making a speech on reconciliation.

We’ve created such a toxic, feelings oriented environment where race is concerned that we don’t take the time to discover the truth. Her bosses at the Agriculture Department should have moved a little slower and checked things out.

That’s what happens when we create a society where the biggest sin is to offend someone. We are a big bunch of sissified wimps. I’m a Christian. Somebody doesn’t like me. Boo hoo. We can’t discuss issues because we have the cultural maturity of a bunch of first graders.

True tolerance is not the brutal suppression of all belief under umbrellas of warm, fuzzy feelings and allowable speech. True tolerance occurs when we can disagree (sometimes vehemently) and still be able to discuss the issue at hand and not have to destroy each other if we don’t get our way. The left talks tolerance but has precious little to give in some critical areas. I’ll give you an example from my own life. I believe that homosexuality is a sin. I believe that, not because I hate and despise some people, but because it is a clear biblical teaching. Does that belief have a negative effect on how I treat people in real life? None at all. I try to treat everyone I meet with amity and good will. There are gay waiters out there who rush to get my table because I am nice to them and tip well. I can hold my belief (and not back down from it) but still treat people with respect. That’s the kind of maturity we sorely lack in our public discourse.

The Boy Who Cried Racism

Race has risen to the top as the club of choice for spastic, fearful libs. If you disagree with the President it’s because you are a racist. If you support the Tea Party movement it’s because you are a racist. If you support certain policies or have certain views of government you are a racist. I think my favorite is a comment I heard last week on a talk radio program about the perception of racism. Basically after rambling on the person talking said that If certain people somehow feel that you maybe, just might, possibly, perhaps, somewhere underneath might be thinking or feeling something that might (or might not) be perceived as racist (or something akin that makes people uncomfortable, or might make people uncomfortable) then you are an obvious racist. It really doesn’t even matter if there is a shred of objective evidence for racism, if certain people feel that you are a racist then you must be.

I for one am sick of cries of racism. All this kind political posturing and fear-mongering does is divide people and destroy discourse. Is there racism in America? Yep. And contrary to current wacko race theory it’s not just perpetrated by white people. Racial animosity is, unfortunately, still part of the human condition. Is it as prevalent as we are lead to believe? Of course not. Race pimping is a major tool of the left to create political leverage and provide income streams and opportunity for those who stand to profit from racial division.

I live in the South. As I’ve grown older nothing burns me more than to hear people who live in lily-white parts of the country pontificate about southern racists. We easily forget that some of the worse race riots in the country took place up North. We forget that black baseball players were banned from hotels in northern cities. Guess how many Major League baseball teams were in the South when Jackie Robinson broke into baseball? Zip. Yes, segregation was running hard in in Dixie but the folks above the Mason-Dixon line have some racial skeletons in their closets too.

In the South whites and blacks interact and do business every day. You know what I mostly see. Nice people trying to get along and make a way in the world. Sure, there are racists out there. I’m sure that there are people who hate other people because of their skin color, but the reality is that where I live (in a community that is pretty much split 50-50) you see very little actual racism. I know a nice liberal fellow from New England. He will pontificate on the evils of the South in a heartbeat. He’s convinced we’re mostly a bunch of racists and bigots. He’ll also cross the road if a young black male is coming the other way. Hmmm.

In the old story “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” the little boy thought it was great fun to cry wolf and get everyone stirred up until a real wolf showed up and nobody believed him. Using racism as a political tool is shameful and demeaning to the victims of actual racism.

America is a pretty good place — at least for now. If you work hard and do the right things you can build a pretty nice life. This country has provided wonderful opportunities for people, regardless of race, creed, religion or ethnicity. And yet we have in power now a whole group of people who consider America to be an evil, shameful country and want to radically change it. With all her imperfections this has been the greatest nation in the history of mankind. It’s time for the democrats (and their lapdogs in the media) to lay down the tactics of class and race warfare. It’s one thing to argue policy and belief. It’s quite another to continually impugn those you disagree with. But then, maybe that’s why they so commonly do it — maybe they know they can’t win a legitimate discussion. They have no real arguments so they fall back on personal attacks.

Illegal Immigration

I would, for once, like someone to answer this question — why does the United States of America have to provide unbridled access to foreign nationals?

I know, just asking the question makes me some kind of wild eyed racist according to folk like Geraldo. National sovereignty dictates that we have the ability to control who enters our nation but let’s not let reality get in the way. Do other developed nations have a 2000 mile open border that people basically migrate across at will? I think not.

I hear the arguments in support of illegal immigration.
“They do the work we won’t do.”
“They’re just looking for a better life.”
“We can’t have people in the shadows.”
“You racist hater.”

Technically the last one is not really an argument but it seems to be the one you hear the most.

“They do the work we won’t do.” Is that really true? How many construction jobs have been lost because some contractor can pay an illegal immigrant sub-standard wages, under the table, instead of having to comply with the law? With unemployment up all over the nation do you really believe that nobody would do these jobs? I don’t.

“They’re just looking for a better life.” I’ve been to Mexico and like the Mexican people. The ones I have met are warm and generous. I don’t blame them for looking for opportunity but we have a couple of problems here. In an age of high-tech terrorism we are very foolish to not have control of our borders. Our southern border is also a conduit for the flow of illegal drugs and gang activity. This is pretty simple but people on the pro-illegal side choose to ignore the dangers for personal reasons. From a practical standpoint — can we really take on the world to raise? While illegals run to the United States, Mexico (and Central America too) is not forced to deal with its own corruption and inefficiency. They deport the underclass to us so that they don’t have to deal with the problem. Meanwhile we suffer depressed wages, lost jobs, and school systems and social services that provide for people who pay no taxes. With government revenue down at all levels this puts a tremendous strain on the system.

“We can’t have people in the shadows.” So we reward people who have cheated to get in ahead of people who are doing things the right way and trying to immigrate legally? Every time I see a protest by a bunch of illegals I think to myself, “only in the good ol’ USA.” In the USA the same government that will run you down for owing them money can’t seem to find a chicken processing plant or carpet mill that’s stacked to the brim with illegal immigrants.

“You racist hater.” This argument is basically a smokescreen and diversion and not really worth answering. It is the trump card of the left. When they can’t win an argument with logic (which is almost all the time) they resort to ad hominem attacks. An ad hominem attack is an attack against the person. It replaces a logical argument based on the facts with a personal attack. Liberals seem to love personal attacks. This is basically a childish attack rooted in juvenile emotions.

Black Tea Party Members taking Heat

The opening line says a lot –“They’ve been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white tea party movement—and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation’s first black president.” Read the rest. It’s a fascinating article.

The Violent Right and the Loony Left

The response coming from the left about the protests against the Health care bill are an attempt to divert attention from this monstrosity that has been hung around the necks of the American people. The mouthpiece news media is now in lock step with outrage, fear and hand-wringing about the violence that is being inflamed by the GOP and pretty much anybody else on the right.

There are some problems with all this. I guess the first question I have is where were all the arrests on Sunday? That violent, angry mob was out there spitting and using racial epithets against Congressmen, capitol police were everywhere, and yet not one arrest was made. Where’s the video? Cameras were everywhere.

Have there been some incidents of violence and threats? Probably so. Every protest movement has its fringe element. My problem with the liberal media is the inherent hypocrisy. You never see this kind of outrage and fear when the perpetrators are liberals. Days before, when Bart Stupak was opposing the bill he was (by his own admission) getting plenty of hate calls and threats. Funny he hasn’t released those to the media. But then this campaign is about more than some isolated threats or vandalism. It’s another attempt to isolate dissent, squelch free speech. and marginalize folks with traditional beliefs.

Perusing the Huffington Post message boards is pretty instructive. Michael Savage likes to say that liberalism is a mental disorder and I can see why. The people whining about all the “angry teabaggers” are so angry and juvenile themselves it is pathetic. The amount of lies and distortion in the posts of liberals is incredible. They either are pretty nutty, incredibly stupid or pretty evil. How’s that for inflammatory. How about some examples?

Oldbro70 wrote, “The Republicans were in power for at least 30 something years, where were the fringe groups marching in Washington and so called leaders of the Republican party calling for velvet revolutions, the IRS offices being imploded, shouting You Lie at the President and carrying of firearms at rallies.” I guess he forgot about Clinton and the fact that Congress has been controlled primarily by the Democrats. IRS offices being imploded? I guess he means the left-wing pilot?

Some doofus named bujudude wrote, “The tea baggers demand respect and credibility but refuse to allow others the same considerations. They have been rightly called racists and homopobes for months, but scream liberal bias whenever they are called out on it. What more proof is required that they are increasingly unhinged and prone to violence?” I’m sure he’s been to a lot of Tea Parties.

Labman57 wrote, “A shame that no major department stores are running a White Sale on linens so that the tea baggers could buy the appropriate protest wardrobe at discounted prices.” Racism is the big gun of the left. Pull it out when you have no real argument.

Applescruff wrote, “You take a majority of these teabaggers with their mispelled racail epitaths aside and ask them how they feel about having the first African American President and they will ignorantly and proudly reveal themselves as the bigots they are and where their hatred really stems from.” Applescruff needs to use spell check himself. Tea Party folks don’t dislike Obama because he’s black. They dislike him because he’s a statist, big government goofball with a disdain for the Constitution.

I could go on and on. It is actually pretty entertaining reading. Kind of funny too — a bunch of self-loving idealogues who get together and congratulate themselves on how erudite they are.

Reading the posts you see the same liberal debate pattern over and over. With a very few exceptions, ad hominem attacks are the norm. Typical of what you get from the left. They can rarely argue substance so they go straight to personal attacks. The Tea Parties are racist? Do they offer any real proof? Nope. They just repeat the claims over and over.

And yet, where’s the proof? Where’s the video? Where are the arrests? When’s the last time you had a conservative riot? Let me know. I’d sure like to hear about it. History shows us that progressives love a good riot.

Liberalism is a mental disorder. It’s rooted in godlessness and narcissism. I’ve tried to debate libs. It’s not real easy. Not because their arguments have any substance but because they are so rooted in emotion you feel like you are arguing with a spoiled child. When they can’t argue facts they always resort to personal attack.

It is truly scary that people like this have the right to vote. We test people before we let them drive a car but we allow any ignoramus to vote. We handle possibly the greatest responsibility that we have as citizens in a completely irresponsible manner.

Silly Democrats

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